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5 Tips on How to Get Web Design Clients

5 Tips on How to Get Web Design Clients

Marketing your website to expand your client base is extremely important in ensuring the success of your business. Getting new clients, however, can be extremely challenging. It is arguably one of the hardest aspects of running your own web design business. Fortunately, there are numerous innovative and inexpensive strategies that you can employ to ensure profitability of your business amongst the competition.

Provide Portfolio

To begin with, providing a great portfolio on your site can potentially attract numerous prospective clients. An effective portfolio should include a list of all the companies that you have worked with, the nature of the projects you have dealt in and any web solutions and services you may have provided. Make sure that your portfolio stands out by providing links and snapshots to ensure that the viewer gets a clear idea. A great portfolio will easily attract and retain your clients’ attention, making them appreciate your work.

Word of Mouth

You may also acquire clients by using word of mouth to convince the people you already know. These include friends, acquaintances and family members; persons who are emotionally invested in you.


Moreover, you can reach a huge client base by employing traditional methods of advertising, including creating flyers, printing business cards and advertising in local directories among others.


Most web designers acquire new clients through referrals from their existing clients. It is therefore crucial that you keep your existing clients contented. Being recognized as a qualified and competent person who gets the job done in a professional manner will go a long way in promoting your business. You may want to keep on reminding your clients that you are hoping for their referrals, either by sending them newsletters, holiday cards and post cards among other communication methods.

Social Media

You can acquire new clients by staying up-to-date with what the trends are in your local market. This can be achieved by conversing with your fellow designer through social media, including Facebook and Twitter. You may also access numerous clients by getting people to follow you through your Twitter handle and selling them your idea.

If you want to make your site professional so that you’ll get clients, contact us now and we’ll discuss your web design needs.

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