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Clever Holiday Marketing Ideas

Clever holiday marketing ideas

Holiday seasons are one of the critical times for businesses, whether it’s a retailer or a B2B company, to cash-in via unique marketing strategies. Businesses across the globe will try to earn the limelight with standout offers to outwit their competitors. Businesses resort to different online and offline strategies to capitalize these shopping frenzy occasions.

You must have heard the marketing strategy of Dominos to deliver pizzas via Reindeer in November 2016. Now, that turned to be an attention grabber. Even though the brand failed to train reindeers to deliver pizza and they eventually had to reenact the idea into delivering pizza by scooters dressed as reindeer, reports suggest an incredible surge in brand exposure. Now, let us skim through some of the successful clever holiday marketing ideas that you can put to use for this holiday.

Sample sale

Offering a holiday sample sale to your customers is a brilliant idea to attract a flock of potential customers. For instance, if your business is centered on selling cosmetics, you can offer a sample sale for one of your showcased products, for instance, a lipstick. Market the sample offer sale through appropriate channels like social media and additional offline marketing strategies like word-of-mouth. Tagging in a condition i.e. free sample for only the first 100 customers is an ideal strategy to create a sense or urgency and bring in more potential customers.

Holiday Events

Hosting a holiday event is a brilliant idea for showing gratitude to your employees and potential customer for their support throughout the year. This is also an indirect and compelling holiday marketing strategy that can help you to retain your customers and employees, in addition to procuring more referrals from the same. Holiday events are most suitable for B2B business category when compared to the retail business category.

Holiday videos

Prepare yourself for the upcoming holidays and try to come up with unique and compelling marketing ideas. An ideal way to achieve this is by creating a holiday video advertisement that shares story/strong message while also promoting your product or service. The video can even be centered on the message alone or a story or can be related to your products or services.  It is ideal to try and capture people’s emotions to be successful. A brilliant idea of a holiday video tired out successfully by brands is videos that feature some backstage clips of how the respective brands are preparing to make customers happy in the upcoming holiday season.

Think digital

The digital world of advertisement is deemed faster than any other means. This is why it is highly recommended to think digital while planning any holiday marketing campaign. You can stick to several strategies, ranging from offering a free set of holiday stock photos via your website in return of an email ID or to offer free gift coupon via a photo sharing contest. Propel pertinent advertising ideas via prominent social media channels, i.e. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Be aggressive with your marketing ideas for holidays on this channel and engage with your fan-base on an active basis.

Holiday seasons are joyous occasions where people tend to loosen their purse strings a bit more than usual. As a business owner, it is your duty to foresee the opportunities and utilize these occasions while spreading joy and happiness to your loyal customers.

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